Thursday, April 20, 2006

Not a Fender, but still a Nice Guitar for Sale...

Up for auction, an excellent 1960 Gibson Les Paul, owned by my sister-in-law's brother.
Happy bidding!


Tipler said...

Hey Terry. I'm a lover of those classic Gibsons but Les Pauls are a bit too heavy for this old back :-)

Good to see your bloggin' - I've got 2, one for journaling and one for random thoughts. I might go for 3 or 4 more when I retire... hehe

pjpfau said...

Your sister-in-law's brother?? Vonnie's brother? Barb's brother? Priscilla's brother? Nedra's brother? Carol is single...Okay I'm confused. And if you didn't know, it doesn't take much to confuse me. That's no joke. Or are you just toying with us?

Sorry if I'm being dense.

terryd said...

Hey Jeanne, it's actually Nedra's brother Randy Larsen who is selling this Les Paul. He bought it in 1963 in North Dakota...quite an investment. It probably cost a few hundred then.

pjpfau said...

Wow, that's incredible---I thought you were pulling our leg---or is it legs?

Good for him. I hope he sells it.