This is grandson Will at just 10 days old. He gave us these looks for several minutes. The overwhelming consensus in the room was "smiling." Other explanations are hereby ruled out of order.
In weak homage to the original Inklings, C.S. Lewis, Charles Williams, Dorothy Sayers and company, talking about good books, the Best Book, the spiritual life, the Church.
The Rafiki Foundation is a Christian organization whose goal is to help Africa’s orphaned and vulnerable children become godly contributors to their communities and the world. It was established in 1985 by Rosemary Jensen and others who desired to help the children of Africa. Rafiki’s plan for Africa has the potential of impacting thousands of children through the establishment of Rafiki Training Villages and Rafiki Satellite Villages.A little research brought me in contact with very helpful, credible people there, and they come on excellent recommendation.